Meeting quality and safety standards

As an all-in service provider we have all relevant profiles under one roof: environmental coordinators, process technologists, safety coordinators, project engineers, operational managers, ... With this combined expertise, we assess every project quickly and accurately and with the necessary attention. Every company and every environmental permit is unique, resulting in a large variety of imposed or desired sets of effluent standards to achieve.

Best available technologies

The Best Available Technologies principle (BAT) is a key starting point in the environmental licensing policy for business companies. The aim is to attain a high level of environmental protection in an effective ("Best") way.

The BAT principle covers both the chosen technologies and all activities involved in the design, construction and managing of the installation. The technologies must be available on a scale that makes them economically and technically feasible in the particular industrial context.

Some companies go beyond their permit requirements, for example by further treating and reusing the effluent.

Het BBT-principe heeft betrekking op de toegepaste technieken én op alle activiteiten om de installatie te ontwerpen, bouwen en goed beheren. De technieken moeten op zodanige schaal ontwikkeld (“Beschikbaar”) zijn, dat ze onder economisch en technisch haalbare omstandigheden kunnen worden toegepast in de betrokken industriële context.

Sommige bedrijven gaan verder dan wat hen opgelegd wordt in de vergunning, bv. door het effluent verder te zuiveren en te hergebruiken.


Independent advice

In seeking to propose a tailored approach that is the right one for each company, environmental permit and water treatment technology, independence is an asset. Aquaplus has no advantage whatsoever in promoting a particular BAT, as we have no external commercial interests in these technologies. We are not a producer, technology supplier or contractor and we have no preferred partnerships leading us to promote particular technologies on the market.